We only officially started winter 10 days ago and already it is so COLD! This morning when I took Abbey to school it was 8 degrees, the poor kids, I hope the teachers are smart enough to keep them inside today so they don't all get sick. I'm not looking forward to going back out in the freezing cold to go to work!
Last night I spent approx 5 hours cutting everything out for my latest project. Just as well I love crafting huh? I'm hoping to get them all finished on Thursday night so I can post pics and then deliver them Friday.
I have a scrap page brewing in me, I just need to get my scrapping MOJO back....I'm not really sure what's happening but I just can't seem to get it together. I even bought a couple of new papers etc on the weekend so I could have some new things to get my motivation going and even that didn't work. I have only done 1 scrap page since mid April!! That is not like me at all. I will try to start it tonight and it might just flow (fingers crossed).
Until next time,
Shell xx
p.s. Wish it was Spring already - it's gonna be a LONG Winter!
1 week ago