Shell’s Scrap Space

Friday, March 26, 2010

by Jolene Pienaar

I was just reading a story in SC and it really made me nod my head in agreement.

In her article she says "There are so many different ways to scrapbook your photos; there is no wrong or right way." she goes on to say...."Don't get caught up in the hype to compare yourself to others; you are scrapping for yourself and your family and it should be fun!"

I'll leave you with a quote by Bob Basso, " If it's not fun, you're not doing it right!

I couldn't agree more!!!!!

shell xx


Deana said...

Amen. Photos + journaling. The end!

Have a great weekend, Shell! :-)

Mel said...

I love the way deana said Photos + journalling. The end, that says it all too, I couldn't agree more Shell. Hope you have a fantastic weekend dear friend, and yes I really am 42 but you made me feel extra nice with your gorgeous comment. Love Melxx

LisaW said...

That just speaks volumes Shell! Its good to be reminded occasionally.

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