Shell’s Scrap Space

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Inspired Blueprints Sketch #43

I went along to the midnight crop at my LSS (scrapbooking delights) last night. I got 2 layouts done and had a great catch up and chat with Renee, Lisa and the girls.

Here is one of the layouts I did. My take on sketch #43 at Inspired Blueprints using the gorgeous new range by Cosmo Cricket.

my other layout didn't photograph well this afternoon so I'll try to remember to upload that one tomorrow once I've taken another pic.

Hope you're having a great weekend!
Shell x


Mel said...

Gorgeous Shell, what a cute little laptop?? your daughter has, where did you get that from, and I just love the fun colours, only knowing you a short time Abbey is growing probably don't want to hear that though, wish they would stand still with their growing for just a bit...

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