Easter weekend will be filled with family, fun and of course and over indulgence of chocolate! Today we're to my in laws place for lunch, they do lunch for the whole family every good Friday. It should be a lovely feast of Baramundi, salad and the best potato salad in the world (not sure what her secret is - she wont share it). The kids (cousins) will all exchange Easter eggs and have an egg hunt and hopefully knackered when we bring them home!! Daniel only arrived home from work at about 6am this morning so I will let him sleep as long as I can and then we'll head over to his mums place. Tonight we have a lovely evening planned of NOTHING. Daniel, Abbey and I will have yummy prawn cutlets for dinner and will more than likely play a board game or do some fun family stuff together.
Tomorrow - not sure what we're up to yet. Daniel has to go back to work at lunch time so it's just me and my girl again. Maybe some scrapping seeing as I haven't had time to do any all week.
I'm sure I will be back tomorrow to share good Friday pics and whatever scrap creations I have managed to make,
Whatever you're doing for good Friday, enjoy it
Shell xx
1 week ago
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