Shell’s Scrap Space

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mission Day 2010

Today is Mission day at Abbey's school and the kids had to dress as if they were students of Mary Mackillop.  It took me a few days and 2different secpnd hand shops to find all the bits and pieces I needed to create an outfit for her.  She was so pleased with the end result!

Here she is with her brown (ladies size 10 skirt with 20 safety pins in it) skirt, white cheesecloth blouse (that was originally a dress that has been cut off) , calico shawl (that was originally a curtain) and plaits with cute little martha stewart ribbon bows

At assembly this morning the kids were all so happy to see the teachers had also dressed up and they had to march into class rather than walk - complete with marching music!  It was all very cute.

They will have lots of games and things today pretending they are living in the 1800's.  They even have to write with their right hand which is going to be quite difficult for Abbey being a lefty!!

Hope she has an really fun day.
Shell x


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